Starting in August (tomorrow) we will be looking back at our readers’ favorite posts of the year. We still have room for your submissions! Follow this link to submit. You can submit more than one post by refreshing the form when you are done. — John

Scripture: Mark 13.31
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Reflection: Editor’s Choice :: Readers’ Choice
By John Tillman and our writing community

Readers’ Choice is one of my favorite times of the year at The Park Forum because it is a time that reminds me of our worldwide community that is praying, reading, and walking through God’s Word to cultivate their faith.

When I began writing for The Park Forum, I knew that I didn’t want to do it alone. So I asked for help. I sought out writing mentors and ministry friends from the past, asking them to contribute their voices to this journey. I’m so glad they responded, “Yes.”

So, to kick off Readers’ Choice, I’d like to go first.

I’ve chosen one paragraph from each of our guest writers so far this year: Jada Swanson, Matt Tullos, and Jon Polk.

Thank you deeply to our readers, the donors who make this possible, and to these wonderful contributors to our community. — John

From Jada Swanson: Complaining in Prayer
The majority of people are hesitant to share their true feelings in the normal circumstances of life, much less when life blows up. Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged not only to identify our feelings, but to express them. Take for instance the life of our Savior. In the Gospels, we discover that Jesus expressed various emotions. He grieved when his friend died. He got angry at the money-changers in the temple. And he wept for the people of Jerusalem.

From Matt Tullos: Surrender
When we enter into the story of Christ we see a point in time when we cannot use our hands to control anything. Our will, determination, ambition, and skill are nailed to the holy cross of Christ. While the world’s system teaches us how to control others and change ourselves, the cross has no such purpose. On the cross, our hands are not busy. They are surrendered.

From Jon Polk: Faith of the Flawed
These women and men found their place in God’s story not because they were flawless and perfect examples of obedience. They didn’t always follow the right path and make the best choices. But to the best of their ability in the midst of their circumstances, they acted in faith. They are applauded for their faith, because without it, we cannot please God.
(This piece, along with Jon’s piece, Finishing Well, were re-published this year in issues of Queensland Baptist Magazine.)

May we, flawed as we are, surrender our complaints, our wills, our work, and our wants, submitting ourselves to his Word that will never pass away.

Prayer: The Refrain for the Morning Lessons
Great are the deeds of the Lord! They are studied by all who delight in them. — Psalm 111.2

– Prayer from The Divine Hours: Prayers for Springtime by Phyllis Tickle.

Prayers from The Divine Hours available online and in print.

Today’s Readings
Jeremiah 27 (Listen – 3:52)
Mark 13 (Listen – 4:32)

Additional Reading
Read More The Park Forum: Transitions
Our purpose at The Park Forum is, and will continue to be, to aid believers working in the economy of a secular empire to hear the chime of God’s kingdom and to connect their spiritual practice to their practical, physical life.

Readers’ Choice
We still have room for you to suggest your favorite posts of the year. Submit a Readers Choice post.
Tell us about a post and what it meant to you. What post helped you connect faith to your work?

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