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You may also donate by mail by sending a check to the following address:
The Park Forum
PO Box 185082
Fort Worth, TX 76181
*We have adopted a new payment processor. If you are a current monthly donor, be sure to deactivate your recurring donation through Stripe, our old payment system before starting a new donation through Tithley. If you need help with this process, contact us:
The Park Forum is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to The Park Forum are deductible under section 170 of the Code and The Park Forum is qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code. The Park Forum is incorporated under the laws of the States of New York and Texas.
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More Information:
The Park Forum strives to provide short, smart, engaging, biblical content to people across the world for free with no ads. Gifts to The Park Forum support this mission by paying for the products and services required to run this ministry.
We produce over 100,000 words a year to:
Build up Christ’s body in the Word of God
Support Christian disciples in practicing spiritual disciplines
Encourage believers to engage the culture with the love of God.
A Cost Comparison:
On an average day, The New York Times print edition has 150,000 words, not including the advertisements. Including online articles, The NYT publishes 230 articles per day. To do this they employ about 1,300 employees in editorial positions.
That’s 5.6 staff per article and 115 words a day per staff member. Of course, that’s not counting non-staff writers, or the photographers, or the support staff, or other employees. (Source: Atlantic Article -2016)
Monday-Friday The Park Forum publishes approximately 400 words per day. To do this we employ one person—a managing editor, head writer, graphic artist, and support staff rolled into one who is paid a part-time salary and a once-a-week contributor who is a contractor. We use a volunteer proofreader and content manager. That’s three “staff” per article and 133 words per day for each member of our editorial “staff.”
We publish more words per day, per staff member than the New York Times…
We are Thankful:
We are thankful for our donors’ gifts because they show the work of God in our donors’ hearts and their willingness to contribute to improving the spiritual discipleship of readers around the globe. We could not do this without them and we are thankful that God has blessed us to be able to do this work.
Whether or not you choose to donate and support us, please be in prayer for our donors that they will give freely, without compulsion, guided by the Holy Spirit. As you pray for them, consider whether the Holy Spirit is leading you to join them either with a one-time gift or as a regular monthly donor.
We need and pray for donors of all amounts, and for those who can donate every month as well as those who donate once-a-year or at other intervals.
As you prayerfully consider a donation, keep in mind other digital services that you pay for once a year or in a monthly subscription. For example, the online storage we pay for each year (Dropbox and Google Drive) comes to about $115 per year and a regular digital subscription to the New York Times runs approximately $3.75 per week or $195 per year. If you are able to give more than that, that is something to celebrate! But a donation does not have to be exceedingly large to make a large difference.
Thank you for your interest. If you’d like to donate now, you may use the green “Give” button above. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at