Scripture Focus: Psalm 115:1-3
1 Not to us, Lord, not to us 
but to your name be the glory, 
because of your love and faithfulness. 
2 Why do the nations say, 
“Where is their God?” 
3 Our God is in heaven; 
he does whatever pleases him.

Student Writers Month is here: The student writers featured from July 15 to August 9 have received free coaching, ministry training, and seminars by special guests in addition to this publishing opportunity, the ability to re-publish their work elsewhere, and a stipend/scholarship for their work. A portion of all donations during these dates will be applied to the students’ stipends/scholarships. Find out more about the students at this link or give a one-time or recurring gift at this link.

Reflection: Not To Us
By Julia Bitler

Psalm 115 reminds us that life is not about us. Simply put, we are nothing without the divine work and grace of the Lord invading our lives. This passage makes it clear that the God of Israel is the one true God. Only he holds all power and authority. He can do whatever he chooses, and we can trust in him.

The Israelites were surrounded by idol-worshiping nations. They believed that their false gods would provide for their needs and protect them. I imagine it would be hard to have faith in gods that never came through or did what they were supposed to do.

An example is the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 2 Kings 18. The worshippers of Baal believed their god could and would rain down fire from heaven. So they cried out to him in faith, but he did not deliver. On the other hand, after saturating the altar in water, Elijah cried out to the Lord, and the one true God rained down fire to consume both the altar and sacrifice.

Elijah was confident in the Lord to be faithful to his promises and who he is. We too can be confident that our God holds all power and authority. 

The psalmist reminds us that we serve the same God Elijah and the Israelites served. The same God that delivered them can deliver us. The same God that provided for them provides for us. The same God that did miracles then, does miracles in our midst today. 

Psalm 115:1 reminds us that because of our confidence in God’s trustworthiness and his omnipotence, our response ought to be worship, adoration, thanksgiving, and praise. We worship God because of his power. We adore him because of his great love. We thank him for his provision. We praise him for his mercy.  

How are you responding to God? Are you humbled? Do you fall to your knees in worship? Are you poor? Do you recognize your desperate need for him? Are you surrendered? Do you desire to obey and serve him? Are you grateful? Does the knowledge of his loving kindness overwhelm you? Are you trusting? Do you have confidence in his character? Are you amazed? Is your heart consumed by how personal and intentional he is?

Divine Hours Prayer: The Request for Presence
You are my helper and my deliverer; O Lord, do not tarry. — Psalm 70.6

– From The Divine Hours: Prayers for Summertime by Phyllis Tickle.

​Today’s Readings
Isaiah 46 (Listen 2:12)
Psalms 114-115 (Listen 2:18)

Read more about Supporting Our Work
A portion of every donation during Student Writers Month goes to stipends/scholarships for these students. Donate today.

Read more about The Blood That Speaks
What did the blood of Jesus speak from the ground as it poured from his hands, his head, and his side? You are loved.