Scripture Focus: Psalm 119.81–83
81 My soul faints with longing for your salvation,
but I have put my hope in your word.
82 My eyes fail, looking for your promise;
I say, “When will you comfort me?”
83 Though I am like a wineskin in the smoke,
I do not forget your decrees.
Student Writers Month is here: The student writers featured from July 15 to August 9 have received free coaching, ministry training, and seminars by special guests in addition to this publishing opportunity, the ability to re-publish their work elsewhere, and a stipend/scholarship for their work. A portion of all donations during these dates will be applied to the students’ stipends/scholarships. Find out more about the students at this link or give a one-time or recurring gift at this link.
Reflection: Dry Times and God’s Good Word
By Andrew Crawford
Have you ever gotten to the place where your only hope was God and his word? Have you ever been in severe spiritual doldrums and the only place to turn was to God in prayer?
In this section of Psalm 119, the psalmist’s only remaining comfort is their trust in God’s word. We think of God’s word as 66 books, but this psalmist did not have access to the full canon of Scripture that we do today.
The psalmist had been looking for God for so long that their eyes were failing; they’re going blind waiting for God to show up. In one sense, this could be taken cynically: “I’ve been waiting for God for so long and he’s not shown himself, so God can’t exist.” But this author had quite another perspective on it; they trusted in God while giving full vent to their doubts.
The metaphor of the wineskin in smoke evokes the author’s dryness from waiting on God’s promises. J. A. Motyer says that as this section is a prayer, it reminds us “that at the end of our tether there is a place called ‘Prayer’” to which we can turn to bring our needs to God. (New Bible Commentary)
Have you felt this way? I have. The betrayal, lostness, confusion, and sense of distance from God all contribute to the wandering feeling I have had recently. I can see God’s providence in places—that he’s there with me and for me. Even still, I feel lost in the wilderness, as dry and crackly as an old wineskin. Quite often, like Job, the only answer we get this side of eternity is that God is God, and we are not. I can place myself under the spiritual faucet, waiting for the water of God’s word to fill me. I have tried recently to preach truth to myself that there is refreshment for my soul in God’s word–to continually point myself to the promises of God in his word.
What are you placing your trust in at this moment? Confess that and run to Christ. Can you look back and see how God worked things out for your good? Give him thanks; he is good; he is with you.
Divine Hours Prayer: The Call to Prayer
Be joyful to the Lord, all you lands; serve the Lord with gladness and come before his presence with a song. — Psalm 100.1
– From The Divine Hours: Prayers for Summertime by Phyllis Tickle.
Today’s Readings
Isaiah 52 (Listen 4:35)
Psalms 119.73-96 (Listen 15:24)
Read more about Echoing Voice of Hope
We hear the often repeated, echoing message that God cares for us. Our trouble and pain are known to God. He will end them and bring us comfort.
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