By Jonathan Edwards
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. — 2 Peter 1.5–7
What is it which chiefly makes you desire to go to heaven when you die? Indeed some have no great desire to go to heaven. They do not care to go to hell; but if they could be safe from that, they would not much concern themselves about heaven.
If it is not so with you, but you find that you have a desire after heaven, then inquire what it is for. Is the main reason, that you may be with God, have communion with him, and be conformed to him? Is it that you may see God, and enjoy him there?
Whatever changes as a godly man passes through this life, he is happy; because God, who is unchangeable, is his chosen portion. Though he is meet with temporal losses, and is deprived of many, or even all, of his temporal enjoyments; it is God, whom he prefers before all, who still remains, and cannot be lost.
While he stays in this changeable, troublesome world, he is happy; because his chosen portion, on which he builds as his main foundation for happiness, is above the world, and above all changes. And when he goes into another world, still he is happy, because that portion yet remains. Whatever he be deprived of, he cannot be deprived of his chief portion; his inheritance remains sure to him.
Those earthly enjoyments, on which men chiefly set their hearts, are often most fading. But how great is the happiness of those who have chosen the Fountain of all good, who prefer him before all things in heaven or on earth, and who can never be deprived of him to all eternity!
If you might go to heaven in whatever course you please, would you prefer to all other options the way of strict walk with God? Those who prefer God choose him—not only in the end, but in the way. They had rather be with God than with any other, not only when they come to the end of their journey; but also while they are in their pilgrimage. They choose the way of walking with God, though it be a way of labour, and care, and self-denial.
*Abridged and language updated
Today’s Reading
Isaiah 19-20 (Listen – 3:47)
2 Peter 1 (Listen – 3:06)