Below are the profiles of the students who participated in Student Writers Month in 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020.

From undergrads to post-grads, these writers are a testament to their generations and to their institutions of learning. May you be blessed by their words.

2023 Student Writer Profiles

Allen Hamlin Jr. — Trinity College Bristol

Allen Hamlin Jr. will begin his final year of PhD studies this Autumn at Trinity College Bristol (UK), where his research focuses on the narrative function of clothing in the book of Joshua. Allen and his wife Lindsay have served together in cross-cultural ministry since 2006, based in Central Asia and East Asia, prior to locating in the UK for the last 11 years. Their 6-year-old daughter was born in Wales after a long season of infertility. Before moving overseas, Allen completed his ThM at Dallas Theological Seminary, during which time he also taught mathematics at Richland College. He has a passion for digital photography and for encouraging the Church to derive full benefit from God’s revealed Word in the Old Testament Scriptures. He has previously published two books under the title Embracing Followership (2016 & 2017).

Anna Vollema  — Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 

Anna Vollema is a PhD student in Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS). After completing a BA in Psychology at Biola University, she fell in love with Scripture and with the goodness of the God depicted therein. Thus, she set out on a journey to help people experience such goodness amidst a yet dark and difficult world. After completing a double MA in Old and New Testament at Talbot School of Theology, she started her degree at TEDS, focusing her doctoral studies on the wrath of God in the book of Psalms. When she grows up, she would like to teach undergraduate Old Testament, especially focusing on biblical interpretation, Old Testament theology, and the poetic and wisdom literature. During her doctoral studies, she has the privilege of working as the Research Scholar for The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. Anna loves people, poetry, trees and is a certifiable pluviophile. 

Carina Bruno — Lancaster Bible College

Carina Bruno is currently attending Lancaster Bible College, majoring in Communication and Biblical Studies. She has always had a deep passion for the arts, specifically writing, acting, and public speaking. Carina was the district and regional winner of the Optimist 2020 Oratorical Contest. She went on to pursue speaking opportunities, including giving a graduation speech for her high school graduating class and presenting devotionals for a conference with Our Daily Bread Ministries: Reclaim Today. Presently, Carina is working as a social media intern for Living Strong Consulting. On the side, she co-hosts a podcast that is expanding and growing, titled “The Introvert City”. She is actively pursuing creative opportunities with the hope of sharing the message of the gospel and God’s desire to draw close to His creation. 

Carolyn Soto Jackson — Truett Theological Seminary

Carolyn Soto Jackson is an author, photographer, and an Associate Pastor of Our Fellowship Christian Church in Houston, Texas. In 2020, she began her studies for Master of Arts in Christian Ministry at Baylor University, George W. Truett Theological Seminary. 

Carolyn is married to Daniel Jackson, and she is also a dog mom to Moose. Her passions include teaching Bible studies, encouraging others to pray, and exhorting women by helping them find their identity in Christ. In her free time, you can find her hiking, cycling, or visiting local coffee shops. Most of all, Carolyn is an adventurer who is passionate about Jesus and enjoys documenting her travels through pen and portraits.

Carolyn Westendorf  —Bob Jones University

Carolyn is a stay-at-home mom of three little boys with a passion for writing. She has poems published in Assisi Journal and The Rockford Review under her maiden name, Wetch. She also wrote for The Park Forum’s Student Writers Month in 2021 and 2022. She is looking forward to graduating from Bob Jones University with a graduate certificate in Teaching Bible in May 2023.

Dennis Nicholson — Liberty University

After four long years of toil, trouble, and sporadic genius, Dennis Nicholson has finally completed his undergraduate mathematics major and eagerly anticipates beginning his seminary studies at Liberty University in the fall. Ideally, he envisions himself spending the next years seated in a rocking chair on the porch, poring over the works of Saint Augustine. Realistically, he will find himself holed up in the library, working on that ten-page essay that was due two weeks ago. This summer, you can expect to find him either binging some form of Japanese media, desperately trying to relearn the piano, preaching at his local church, or fending off writer’s block.

Evie Dykhouse —Calvin Theological Seminary

Evie is starting her seminary journey this fall pursuing a Masters of Divinity degree from Calvin Theological Seminary. After living in Chicagoland for college, Evie has recently returned to her home in the greater Grand Rapids, Michigan, area. In her free time, Evie enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as playing the harp. Within the sphere of ministry and beyond, Evie is passionate about showing hospitality and compassion towards all others and she is very excited to see where God leads her on the way to becoming a chaplain.

Jacque Jordan — A.W Tozer Seminary

Jacque Jordan is a current student at A.W Tozer Seminary getting her Master of Divinity. She received her B.A. in Songwriting from Belmont University in 2017. Jacque lives on a small pond in North Georgia with her German Shepard, Jagger, pursuing the Lord and vice versa. Her focus is on Biblical worship in all its forms so that we can better minister to the heart of the Lord.

Jane Schaible — Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Jane Schaible has enjoyed serving in women’s ministry, preschool ministry, and adult education at her church for nearly 15 years. Her studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School have fueled her passion to build up the local church through faithfully conveying God’s word and encouraging her fellow sisters in the EFCA. Jane and her husband, Daniel, have been married for 16 years, and have two children. She loves to go hiking with her family, can’t say no to a new commentary, and enjoys a good Nancy Drew mystery every now and then.

Jessica Wolske — Tozer Seminary

Jessica Wolske is a Master of Divinity Student at Tozer Seminary. She has ministered in the Middle East, Europe, and the United States. Jessica finds great joy in creating community with others as they experience Jesus together. She is passionate about sharing Jesus with those beyond the reach of the gospel, mentoring and developing emerging leaders, and biblical hospitality. She currently lives in Redding, CA with her husband and four children.

Jill D. Botticelli  — B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary

Jill Botticelli is a Ph.D. student in Church History at B. H. Carroll Theological Seminary. She currently serves as the Library Director and Archivist at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary as well as an Instructor of History at Texas Baptist College. Jill’s passion for history and writing allows opportunities for storytelling and retrieving the past in the area of Texas Baptist history. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, reading, and researching.

Julia Bitler — Lancaster Bible College. 

Julia is currently finishing up her Bachelors in Biblical Studies and Children & Family Ministry at Lancaster Bible College. She is passionate about writing, God’s Word, discipleship, and children. She hopes to eventually publish her own book in the near future. In her free time, Julia enjoys writing, reading, swimming, and spending time with her friends and family. 

Kelsey Stookey —Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Kelsey Hope Stookey is a recent graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary where she earned her Master of Divinity with a focus in theology. She is married to Caleb Stookey and is expecting her first child later this year. Kelsey is passionate about walking alongside women and pushing them to fall deeper in love with Jesus through deep discipleship and creating theologically rich content. Currently, she works in non-profit ministry and serves in her church’s children’s ministry alongside her husband. In her free time, she loves traveling, writing, and spending time with her two pups.

L E Mulford — Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary 

Lauren Mulford lives in west Michigan with her husband and 7 children. She is currently the Postgraduate Studies Administrator at Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge. She is studying at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary for her Masters of Theology. She hopes to work in hospice care. She leads weekly Bible studies and enjoys explaining the Word of God to whoever will listen.

Laura Hamilton Hui —New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

After a lifetime of thinking she was called to international missions, Laura found herself in the “foreign” land of New Orleans in 2015 to pursue her MDiv. She stumbled upon Greek halfway through her degree and is now pursuing her Ph.D. in New Testament. Her passion for the nations has led her to study how the insights and interpretations of Christians worldwide can help the Western church understand the Bible even more clearly. She and her husband Augustine love to spend time with their church family, savor the many cuisines of New Orleans, and watch their one-year-old daughter discover the world.

Makayla Payne — Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Makayla is a recent Master of Divinity graduate from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. She’s passionate about writing theology beautifully and making it accessible to the church. Her main areas of interest are women in the church, abuse and trauma, the body, and most places theology and psychology intersect. She’s also captured by liturgy, art, and beauty—some of the reasons she made her home in an Anglican church, where she currently works part time doing communications. In her free time, she loves exploring the city of Chicago with friends, especially the food and coffee scene.

Marisa M. Jenkins — Columbia International University

Marisa Jenkins is in the dissertation phase of her PhD program in Practical Theology at Columbia International University. Her topic, “Exploring the Psalms of Personal Lament for Women Living with Chronic Pain” is a subject that is personally impactful to her because of her own experiences with Rheumatoid Arthritis. In 2021, Marisa graduated from Calvary Chapel University with a Master’s degree in Women’s Ministry. She also holds a Certificate in Biblical Hebrew from Reformed Theological Seminary. Marisa lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband of 18 years, and their 12-year-old son.  She has a passion for Women’s Ministry and particularly for teaching women to study and teach God’s Word faithfully. 

Rachel Larsen — Dallas Theological Seminary

Rachel Larsen lives in New York City, where she works as a writer and editor for Chosen People Ministries. She studies historical theology at Dallas Theological Seminary. A lifelong history buff, Rachel believes understanding where we have been is essential to understanding where we are and where we are going. She takes particular interest in modern European and Jewish history, especially the changing philosophical and theological trends. Rachel is also passionate about guiding people toward a deeper relationship with Jesus. Through her writing, she aims to communicate profound biblical truths in an accessible manner. When not writing or studying, she enjoys reading, drinking tea, and swimming.

Robert Hillier — Truett Theological Seminary

Robert just finished his Masters of Divinity from Truett Seminary in May. He serves as the Youth Pastor at First Baptist Church of West, just twenty minutes North of Waco. Robert is engaged to his fiancee, Elon, who is an inpatient rehab nurse. They have a pit-mix named Luna who keeps life very entertaining. In his spare time Robert enjoys being with friends and family, all things Dallas sports, movies, hiking and exercising, and of course Whataburger.

Susan Elliott  —  Friends University

Susan works for the Dallas Willard Ministries in the School of Kingdom Living, combining her love of theology with spiritual formation and hospitality. She teaches Bible studies at her church, is a board member for The Center for Pastor Theologians, and partners with her husband Kirk in providing leadership and ministry support to individuals and non-profits. Most days she can be found hiking the nearby Sonoran Desert trails, reading theology, or blending meaningful conversation and simple, savory meals into “a wee messianic banquet” with friends.  

Vienna Scott — Yale Divinity School

Vienna Scott attends Yale University studying Religious Studies and Political Science. She is the Executive Editor for the Yale Logos, debates with the Yale Political Union, and enjoys fellowship-ing with Christian Union. She has published articles in the Yale Logos and The Politic. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering with Children’s ministries, teaching math, and hiking.

Zachary Adams — Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

No bio submitted.

2022 Student Writer Profiles

Jillian Brown — B.H. Carroll Theological Institute
Jilian is married to Matt and they have two sons, Ethan and Evan. She recently completed the Master of Divinity degree at B.H. Carroll Theological Institute. She is passionate about writing, teaching theology, and helping people discover their spiritual gifts. Though her family moved to East Texas last summer, she continued to write Bible study curriculum for their prior church, FBC Lewisville. In her free time, Jilian enjoys singing and playing piano, traveling, cooking, and reading. 

John Paul Davis — Truett Theological Seminary
Rev. John Paul Davis is a current graduate student at Truett Seminary. He is the founder, owner, and operator of Family Affair Ministries (F.A.M.), a company dedicated to transforming the American family through faith-based marital coaching. After leading the Marriage Ministry with his wife at their church for four years starting in 2013, John and his wife recognized the need for faith-based marriage ministry as a community need in order to cultivate a thriving family unit. Rev. Davis is passionate about helping men and women develop the skills and confidence needed to cultivate a healthy marriage by applying faith-based principles. Rev. Davis believes that, like businesses and sports, “Every Team Needs A Coach!” Rev. Davis and his wife have been married for 20 years and have a blended family of four children and three grandchildren.

Christian Englert — Dallas Baptist University
Christian Englert is a student in the B.A./M.A. program at Dallas Baptist University. He is pursuing a Bachelor’s in Biblical studies and a Master’s in Theological Studies. Christian believes he is called to be a voice on topics, such as struggle within life, as well as serve toward the unification and advancement of the Church. 

Kingsley East Gibbs — Truett Theological Seminary
Kingsley East Gibbs is a recent Master of Divinity graduate from George W. Truett Theological Seminary. Her background is in writing and rhetoric (BA, Baylor University). She has worked in academic book publishing and nonprofit work on hunger and migration. Kingsley now serves as the Minister to Youth at DaySpring Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. She is passionate about storytelling, trauma healing, creation care, and embodying the gospel message to love her neighbors. She loves doing anything on the water, hiking with her husband Nathan, and making up songs about her pets Remi and Oliver. 

Savannah Green — Truett Theological Seminary
Savannah Green is from Olive Branch, Mississippi, and is pursuing her Master of Divinity in World Christianity and Witness at George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Education from Delta State University in 2019. She has enjoyed working in the Dean’s Suite and as a Graduate Assistant to Dr. Michael W. Stroope and Dr. Dustin Benac. Savannah is a GFM Campus Staff Minister with InterVarsity at Baylor to both graduate and international students. She is a member at Grace Church Hewitt. Savannah loves doing ministry through the arts. She has been published by Eight Hundred Words, Windrose Magazine, The Park Forum, and The Baptist Convention of New England. Savannah also shares her writing on her website Words in the Crevice. Her self-published poetry books Seaway and Oasis are available on Amazon.

Robert Hillier — Truett Theological Seminary
Robert is entering his third year at Truett Seminary. He is from Amarillo, TX and currently serves as the youth pastor at FBC West, just North of Waco. He has a passion for serving students and their families as well as having a deep knowledge of Scripture and theology in order to best educate his students. He loves all things superhero movies, Dallas sports, records, good coffee, Whataburger, and spending time with his girlfriend Elon and his dog Luna.

Carolyn Soto Jackson — Truett Theological Seminary
Carolyn Soto Jackson is an author, photographer, and an Associate Pastor of Our Fellowship Christian Church. In 2020, she began her studies for Master of Arts in Christian Ministry at Baylor University, George W. Truett Theological Seminary. Carolyn is married to Daniel Jackson, and she is also a dog mom to Moose. Most of all, Carolyn is an adventurer who is passionate about Jesus and enjoys documenting her travels through pen and portraits.

Bridget Jack Jeffries — Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Bridget Jack Jeffries is a PhD student in church history at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, working on a dissertation on Junia of Romans 16:7 while preparing for a ministry of researching, writing, and teaching. She holds a BA in classics from Brigham Young University (long story!) and an MA in American church history, also from Trinity. She volunteers as a Christian formation teacher at DeerGrove Covenant Church in Palatine, Illinois, and likes sci-fi, hamsters, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. She is married with three children and her non-academic ministry interests include bioethics, people with disabilities, single parenting, interfaith dialogue, and the #MeToo / #ChurchToo movements.

JD McDonald — Truett Theological Seminary
JD McDonald is a Tennessean who now lives in Waco, Texas. A former social worker and 7 year youth minister with a MS in mental health counseling, he now is pursuing pastoral ministry at Baylor University’s Truett Seminary. JD is passionate about seeing the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. He can be found volunteering in immigration ministry, chatting in common areas, or playing guitar, hiking, eating, and fishing with loved ones. 

Thobile Mogane — Christian Family International Church Bible College
Thobile Mogane is the Center Manager of Dingleydale Youth And Childline Center and a Youth pastor. She is in her second year of study at Christian Family International Church Bible College. She is passionate about serving and giving back to the community and is a comforter, restorer, and rebuilder.

Lauren Mulford — Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
Lauren Mulford is studying for her M. Div. at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary in hopes to work in hospice care. She has been married for 13 years and has seven children. She calls New York City home and has lived across the United States from Florida to Virginia to California and several states in-between. She has been a dancing missionary having danced professionally and traveled across the nation to share the gospel through the medium of ballet. She desires to see “the least of these” brought close to Christ. She especially desires to help those members of society nearing the end of life, but who perhaps find themselves alone, die compassionately and with peace. 

Dennis Nicholson — Liberty University
After several years of college, Dennis still hasn’t found a response to those asking why he’s majoring in mathematics when he’s aiming for pastoral ministry. Nonetheless, as he approaches his final year of study, he’s confident that he’ll find a good answer someday. In the meantime, he enjoys sifting through the works of St. Augustine, binging all manner of Japanese media, and falling in love with Ephesians 3.

Jane Schaible — Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Jane Schaible has taught the Bible at her local church, First Evangelical Free, for nearly 14 years. She has enjoyed serving in women’s ministry, preschool ministry, and adult education. Her studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School have fueled her passion to build up the local church through faithfully conveying God’s word and encouraging her fellow sisters in the EFCA. Jane and her husband, Daniel, have been married for 15 years, and have two children, ages 6 and 14. She’s excited about homeschooling her first grader, loves to go camping with her family, and enjoys a good Nancy Drew mystery every now and then.

Carolyn Westendorf — Bob Jones University
Carolyn is a stay-at-home mom of three little boys with a passion to study the Bible and share what she has learned. Since becoming a Christian, she felt lead to write and teach the Bible. In high school, she jumped at an opportunity to teach Bible lessons to her peers, creating her own lessons. From there she honed her writing skills, minoring in Creative Writing. She has poems published in Assisi Journal and in The Rockford Review under her maiden name, Wetch. She also wrote for The Park Forum’s Student Writers Month in 2021. Currently, she is working on the Teaching Bible Graduate Certificate at Bob Jones University.

Karen Yarnell — Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Karen Yarnell finds great joy in studying and teaching God’s Word. The Lord has given her a variety of opportunities to teach, including the local church, academic classrooms, and retreat settings. She has both  a Bachelor of Music Education and a Master of Divinity degrees. Karen dearly loves her family, her husband, Malcolm, children, and grandson, and considers them to be a very precious gift from God.

2021 Student Writer Profiles

Jillian Brown — B.H. Carroll Theological Institute
Jilian Brown is a Master of Divinity student at B.H. Carroll Theological Institute. Her passion is to promote biblical literacy, primarily in the younger generations, through theological education. She currently teaches various Bible studies to all ages at her church in Lewisville, TX. She loves music and has been a private voice and piano teacher for 18 years. Jilian loves spending time with her husband and two sons. She also loves to travel, cook, and learn anything new.

Jolene Davidson Crouch — B.H. Carroll Theological Institute
Jolene Davidson Crouch is a MA student at BH Carroll Theological Institute.  Jolene lives in Fort Worth, Texas where she serves in the Children’s Ministry at The Table Community Church.  Her academic interest is theology in literature.  She enjoys reading, documentaries, a good thrift store, and knitting.  She excels at losing her car keys.

Joshua Fikkert — Covenant Theological Seminary
Joshua Fikkert is a graduate of Covenant College with a degree in Community Development and Philosophy/Religion. He is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Theological Seminary in Saint Louis, MO along with his wife Morgan. Besides studying and spending time with Morgan, Joshua enjoys running with his one-eyed dog Penny and playing board games with friends.

Morgan Fikkert — Covenant Theological Seminary
Morgan Fikkert is a graduate of Covenant College (BA, Community Development) and is currently pursuing her M.Div at Covenant Theological Seminary. She has interned and worked in various nonprofits, government departments, and schools — and now she works at Covenant Presbyterian Church as a Women’s Ministry Intern. Morgan and her husband Josh currently live in St. Louis, MO with their one-eyed dog Penny. You can find them around the city playing sports, searching for the best Thai food, and hanging out with friends and neighbors.

Elizabeth Franklin — George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Elizabeth Franklin is pursuing her Master of Divinity in Theology at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas. Her background in musical worship ministry has given her a passion for the anchoring rhythms of liturgy, and she hopes to integrate this foundation of interactive practices into pastoral ministry to those who are undergoing shifts in faith after experiencing suffering or dramatic life transitions. She believes strongly in the significance of the embodied nature of the Christian faith and the mysterious beauty of incarnation, resurrection, and communion. She lives with her husband Matthew and her dog Nike, and she loves cooking, hiking, and any activity on or near a body of water. 

Savannah Green — George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Savannah Green is from Olive Branch, Mississippi, and is pursuing her Master of Divinity in World Christianity and Witness at George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas.  She earned her Bachelor of Science in Education from Delta State University in 2019.  She has enjoyed working as a Graduate Assistant to Dr. Michael W. Stroope and as a Student Assistant in the Dean’s Office at Truett.  Savannah is a GFM Campus Staff Minister with InterVarsity at Baylor to both graduate and international students.  She is a member at Grace Church Hewitt.

Savannah loves doing ministry through the arts.  She has been published by Eight Hundred Words and Windrose Magazine.  She is the founder and chief editor of A Common Thread, a website representing a community of artists.  Savannah also shares her writing on her website Words in the Crevice.  Her self-published poetry books Seaway and Oasis are available on Amazon.

Carolyn Soto Jackson — Baylor University
Carolyn is a photographer, writer, and speaker. Carolyn graduated from the University of Houston in 2008 and is pursuing her Master of Arts in Christian Ministry at Baylor University.  

For the last sixteen years, Carolyn has been a photographer for one of the most prestigious studios in Houston. Carolyn has been published in numerous magazines and newspapers, photographing some of the Who’s Who of Texas. In September 2019, the photography company retired, and Carolyn began her full-time ministerial work at Tallowood Baptist Church as the Music Ministry Assistant.   

Carolyn married her husband Daniel in October 2016 and later adopted their witty dog named Moose. Carolyn is a high-energy adventurer who is passionate about Jesus. In her free time, you can find her gardening, running or cycling. Carolyn enjoys writing as her favorite form of worship and is honored to serve the Lord by sharing what God has put on her heart.  

Karen Chen Kallberg — Covenant Theological Seminary
Karen Chen Kallberg is the daughter of Chinese immigrants. She grew up in upstate New York before moving to Taiwan to do full-time ministry with her family. She now lives in Saint Louis where she works at Memorial Presbyterian Church, attends school at Covenant Theological Seminary, and enjoys life with her husband and three children. On the rare occasion when she finds a little extra time on her hands, she enjoys reading (for fun), candid photography, and spending time with friends.

Ava Ligh — Reformed Theological Seminary
Ava grew up in a Chinese default atheistic home and became a Christian her sophomore year at Columbia University. Upon graduation, she worked in management consulting, then got her Masters in Education and taught in the New York City public schools for a few years before staying at home with children for the next 10 years. When her youngest child started Kindergarten, she began first volunteering then eventually working full-time in campus ministry at Columbia. She is currently with Reformed University Fellowship, entering her 8th year in campus ministry and also getting formal theological and ministry training at Reformed Theological Seminary. She is married to Peter and has three kids, the oldest of which is entering college this fall.

João Moraes — George W. Truett Theological Seminary
João Moraes is originally from Salvador, Brazil, but has lived in Waco, TX for the last five years. He is a Master of Divinity candidate at Truett Seminary and hopes to pastor a local church after graduation. João feels called to preaching and pastoral care but is also curious about the intersections between Christianity and popular culture. He currently serves as a Ministry Associate for the Baylor Office of Spiritual Life and is the incoming chaplain of Brooks Residential College at Baylor University. 

Erin Newton — B.H. Carroll Theological Institute
Erin Newton is a graduate student currently working on writing her thesis on chaoskampf and the Old Testament. She plans to pursue a career as a professor in Old Testament and Biblical Languages. In her free time, she enjoys reading and camping with her husband and four children. (Erin has now joined us as a regular contributor.)

Sylvester Ngonga — Gardner- Webb University School of Divinity
Sylvester Ngonga is was born and grew up in the suburbs of Kisumu city, Kenya. He is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity studies at Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity with a focus on global missions. He is the author of two books: Labyrinths of Corrections and The Liberating Gospel of Jesus available in amazon. Last Spring he served as a freedom of belief/unbelief researcher CBF Slovakia mission.This summer courtesy of CBF he is interning at Mclean Baptist Church, Virginia.  He is passionate about creation care  and inclusive prosperity, and thus blogs on LTEconomy global platform as a contributing writer. He is married and a thankful father.

Dennis Nicolson — Liberty University
Dennis Nicholson is an undergraduate student of mathematics and theology at Liberty University and a student fellow at Liberty’s Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement. His hobbies include podcasting, studying for linear algebra exams, watching anime, poring over Augustine’s extant corpus, and seeking after God in all those things. One day, he’ll figure out how the two parts of his degree actually relate.

Susan Powell — Covenant Theological Seminary
A native of the Florida panhandle, Susan grew up in the Church, but it was not until her post-college years that she realized she knew very little about grace and the gospel. As her eyes were opened to God’s goodness and mercy, she was stirred to minister to the voiceless and brokenhearted. After two years in Uganda, Susan desired to be equipped to care for hurting hearts and offer people access to a safe place in times of need. She is currently pursuing a Masters of Arts in Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary. She loves slow mornings, mountains, cross-cultural connections and climates that rarely drop below 60 degrees.

Nigel Robinson — Dallas Baptist University
Nigel Robinson is the proud husband to his wife, Bryana, and father to their two young daughters. Nigel is passionate about communicating biblical truth. Whether leading Bible study, facilitating workshops, preaching, or conveying devotional content, teaching the truth of the Bible fuels this passion. Nigel is compelled to live a life that displays Christ’s saving grace, Lordship over him, and why living a life in submission to Jesus Christ is the only way to live.

Allison Tinsley — Baylor University and Truett Seminary
Allison graduated from Baylor with a degree in Church Music and enjoyed it so much that she decided to pursue a dual-degree Masters program at Baylor. She hopes to graduate in December. She will also be getting married to her fiancé Matthew in August of this year.

Carolyn Westendorf — Bob Jones University
Carolyn is a stay-at-home mom of two little boys with a passion to study the Bible and share what she has learned. Since becoming a Christian, she felt led to write and teach the Bible. In high school, she jumped at an opportunity to teach Bible lessons to her peers, creating her own lessons. From there she honed her writing skills, minoring in Creative Writing. She has poems published in Assisi Journal and in The Rockford Review under her maiden name, Wetch. Since starting her blog, Pensive Readings, in 2018, Carolyn continues to post content aimed at helping others study the Bible and discover Bible Study Resources. Currently, she is working on the Teaching Bible Graduate Certificate at Bob Jones University.

2020 Student Writers Month Profiles

Below are the profiles of our 2020 group of student writers with links to their writings from that year.

Philip Cox — Charles Sturt University
Originally from Nashville, TN, Philip spent more than a decade touring as a freelance drummer for Christian and Country music artists. In 2016 he moved to Brisbane, Australia with his wife and children and is now an avid student of biblical studies, with a particular focus on biblical Hebrew and Hebrew narrative. Philip is also the founder of The Inside Job, where, as a Spiritual Director, he helps men explore the intersections of work, family, sexuality, spiritual practice, and faith. Philip is a part of a small, Aboriginal faith community in North Brisbane called, dhiiyaan, which means “family” in the Gamilaraay language.

To contact Philip or to find out more about his work, visit:
Publishing Date: July 1, 2020: The Hope of Lament

Joshua B. Fikkert — Covenant Theological Seminary
Joshua B. Fikkert is a graduate of Covenant College with a degree in Community Development and Philosophy/Religion. He is pursuing a Master of Divinity degree online from Covenant Theological Seminary along with his wife, Morgan. Joshua and Morgan currently live and work in Memphis, TN, where they are members at Downtown Church. 
Publishing Date: June 5, 16, and 18, 2020: A Word for the Weary and A Tale of Two Kings

Morgan J. Fikkert — Covenant Theological Seminary
Morgan Fikkert is a graduate from Covenant College (BA, Community Development), and she is pursuing her M.Div at Covenant Theological Seminary. She has worked as an elementary school teacher and at various nonprofits aimed at poverty alleviation in the U.S. Morgan, her husband Josh, and their one-eyed dog Penny live in Memphis, TN, where they are members at Downtown Church. You can find them playing sports, making delicious food in their tiny kitchen, and hanging out with friends and neighbors.
Publishing Date: June 17 and 19, 2020: The Cup and Beyond Self-Centered Religion

Meghan Hendrickson — George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Meghan Hendrickson is pursuing her Master of Divinity in Theology at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas. Upon graduation in August 2020, Meghan hopes to serve as a discipleship pastor. Having served in gospel ministry for a dozen years, Meghan feels called to use writing and preaching to inspire the church to love God with everything she’s got and shine bright his light in the darkness. 

Meghan’s background includes writing for Baylor University’s campus newspaper and the International Mission Board’s Global Communication Team in South Africa. Meghan participated in the International Mission Board’s Journeyman program serving as a university ministry catalyst in the Netherlands. Meghan helped pioneer a campus ministry at Texas A&M University with the Center for Mission Mobilization. Meghan has served on staff for three different youth ministries. To read more from Meghan, visit
Publishing Date: June 11 and 26, 2020: Living Justice and Hope and Promise

Carolyn Soto Jackson — George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Carolyn is a photographer, writer, speaker, and music assistant. Carolyn graduated from the University of Houston in 2008 and recently began her Master of Arts in Christian Ministry at Baylor University. 

For the last fifteen years, Carolyn has been a photographer for one of the most prestigious studios in Houston. Carolyn has been published in numerous magazines and newspapers, photographing some of the Who’s Who of Texas. In September 2019, the photography company retired, and Carolyn began her full-time ministerial work at Tallowood Baptist Church. 

Carolyn married her husband Daniel in October 2016 and later adopted their witty dog named Moose. Carolyn is a high-energy adventurer who is passionate about Jesus. In her free time, you can find her gardening, running, or cycling. Carolyn enjoys writing as her favorite form of worship and is honored to serve the Lord by sharing what God has put on her heart.
Publishing Date: June 9 and 30, 2020: Lovingly Named and Faith Over Fear

Leah Jarvis — Abilene Christian University
Leah is currently studying Bible and English at Abilene Christian University and loves every second she spends there, in class or out of it. Entering her second year as a resident assistant and first year as chaplain for her social club, her great joys come from sharing cups of coffee and good movies with those around her. She attends Highland Church of Christ in Abilene.
Publishing Date: June 12, 2020: All I Want

Erin Newton — B. H. Carroll Theological Institute
Erin Newton is a graduate student at B. H. Carroll Theological Institute in the Master of Arts (Theology) program. She plans on pursuing a doctoral degree and teaching courses in Old Testament and Biblical Languages. She teaches various Bible classes for the women’s ministry in her local church in Denton, TX. Along with spending time with her husband and four children, she enjoys camping and being outdoors. (Erin has now joined us as a regular contributor.)
Publishing Date: June 4 and 15, 2020: The Idol of Control and The Victorious Path of Weakness

Sylvester Ngonga — Hardin Simmons University
“Sylvester Ngonga is a graduate fellow at Hardin Simmons University. He has previously served as a Corrections Chaplain and is now pursuing his Master of Divinity at Logsdon Seminary, Hardin Simmons University in preparation for Global Missions. He will be transferring to Gardner Webb University in the summer. He is the author of two books: Labyrinths of Corrections and The Liberating Gospel of Jesus. He has also been a blog writer for the last 2 years for LTEconomy blog, a global platform that creates environmental awareness with a keen interest in inclusive prosperity. He is married and a thankful father of three who has a passion for sharing the richness of God’s word with humanity.
Publishing Date: June 3, 2020: Feeble Hands, Knees, and Hearts

Dennis Nicholson — Liberty University
Dennis Nicholson is an undergraduate student and aspiring apologist studying mathematics and theology at Liberty University. When he’s not putting off his calculus homework or thinking about sacramental theology, he spends his time reading, retweeting, and reflecting on how, exactly, the two parts of his degree are supposed to relate.
Publishing Date: June 8 and 29, 2020: The Gift of Unequal Exchange and Faithful Through Exile

Vienna Scott — Yale University
Vienna Scott is a Junior at Yale University studying Religious Studies and Political Science. She is the Executive Editor for the Yale Logos, debates with the Yale Political Union, and enjoys fellowship-ing with Christian Union. She has published articles in the Yale Logos and The Politic. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering with Children’s ministries, teaching math, and hiking.
Publishing Date: Jun 23 and 25, 2020: Seeking Righteousness and Canned Good Casseroles and Christ

Tori Sherman — Logsdon Seminary
Tori Sherman is a Youth Pastor at a local church. She is married to Jonathon Sherman, and they have two dogs, Muffy and Sophie. Tori was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but spent most of her youth in Corpus Christi, Texas. In May of 2017 she graduated from Abilene Christian University with a degree in Youth and Family Ministry. Tori is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at Logsdon Seminary. In her spare time she loves to go to the beach, travel, and spend time outdoors. She also enjoys music and spending time with friends and family.
Publishing Date: June 24, 2020: To Maintain Justice

Grace Sosa — Logsdon Seminary
Grace graduated from Hardin-Simmons University with her B.A. in English Education. She will be transferring to Abilene Christian University’s Graduate School of Theology this summer. Grace is currently an Inquirer in the PCUSA ordination process. She enjoys reading, writing, and hanging out with friends. Grace is married to Carlo Sosa-Ortiz, who is also a seminary student and an Inquirer in the Presbyterian Church.
Publishing Date: June 2, 2020: Sacrifices that Don’t Please

Allison Tinsley — George W. Truett Theological Seminary
Allison grew up in Houston, Texas for the most part. Her dad works for an oil company and was transferred at times, so she has also lived in Louisiana, Canada, and Dallas, Texas where her parents live now. Allison started undergraduate school at Baylor in 2014 and graduated in 2018 with a degree in Church Music, and she loved it so much that she decided to stay!

Allison is currently finishing up her second year as a graduate student in the duel-degree program pursuing a Masters of Divinity at Truett Seminary and a Masters of Music in the Baylor music school. She serves as the minister of music at a small church in Waco. In her free time, Allison enjoys writing, playing piano, painting, playing with her dog, and taking care of her fish.
Publishing Date: June 10 and 22, 2020: Seeking God’s Servant and Restoring Relationship