Highlighted Text: 1 Cor. 9:22-23
Full Text: Job 22; 1 Cor. 9
Bright Lights | A few weeks ago, I had the wonderful privilege of attending City Wide Worship, a praise night hosted by several New York City churches. At one point, we sang about the name of Jesus being high and lifted up [1]. In my head, I pictured the name of Jesus in lights above Times Square with all of us gathered below and exalting his name. Immediately, however, I became sad – for as much as I knew that those of us in that room would be overjoyed at the return of Jesus, I knew that many others – including some of my friends and family – would not. At the end of this age, everyone – believers and unbelievers alike – will all bow their knees and confess that Jesus is Lord [2]. That day, there will be much rejoicing, but there will also be much weeping [3].
All Things | To the extent that we don’t feel this reality, we don’t sense the sadness and urgency that Paul felt for the lost around him. In everything he did, he tried to adapt as much as possible – without sinning – to his culture. Why? To win others, to save others, and to share in the blessings of the gospel: “For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them … I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings” [4].
Prayer | Lord, How can we use our freedom like Paul did – not as a license for sin, but as a means for sharing the gospel so that we might partake in its blessings? Give us a sense of the reality of the end of this age so that we might also feel sorrow and urgency for our loved ones. For we know that Jesus is more than a solution to our psychological problems; he is the redemption to our condemnation: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” [5]. Thus, he is not just good news; he’s the best news and, therefore, we long to share him with everyone we love. Amen.
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[1] John 12:32 ESV | [2] See Phil. 2:9-11 | [3] See Lk. 13:28 | [4] 1 Cor. 9:19, 22-23 ESV | [5] Rom. 8:1 ESV