[Jesus said,] “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” —Acts 1.8
Every business appeals to one of three organs, asserts NYU Professor Scott Galloway. Home construction and consumer packaged goods (CPG) appeal to the brain; rational decisions guide consumer decisions and margins are slim. This is why some CPG brands, like Jif Peanut Butter have tried to migrate down the torso to the heart.
Companies with products that appeal to the heart get the emotion of a consumer involved in the purchase. Decisions are less rational and people will pay more. “Choosy Moms Choose Jif“— you’re a better mom if you choose us.
The reproductive organs, however, are where the real money is. Luxury goods, high-end cars, and the like are not logical decisions and they aren’t purely emotive decisions — they are signals to friends, coworkers, and potential mates. Galloway quips that a $9,000 watch shows someone is “better to mate with and will take better care of your offspring than someone who wears a Swatch watch.”
When Jesus ascends into heaven at the beginning of the book of Acts he makes an appeal. Unlike today’s consumer appeals it transcends the desires of our head, heart, and pride. Jesus speaks straight to the soul.
The disciples’ source of power and desire would not come from self-actualization. The Spirit of God would have to enter their souls.
The disciples would face such fierce persecution that mental fortitude alone wouldn’t get them through. They would grow weary in prayer and sacrifice for others, so emotional desire for Christ wouldn’t go the distance. They would be ridiculed, mocked, and judged for following Christ, and aspiration for faith wouldn’t last.
Jesus did not come to start a business, but to bring freedom to the world. The Scriptures work in modern life — they appeal to our mind. Prayer and community enrich our lives — they sing to our heart. We become better friends and spouses by living sacrificial lives — they enrich our lives in every relationship. But it is the wonderful, mysterious work of the Spirit of God in our soul which makes Christ revolutionary in our lives.
Today’s Readings
Joshua 20-21 (Listen – 6:58)
Acts 1 (Listen – 3:58)