What is a word worth? What’s more, what is an encouraging word worth?
The value of words for Christians is vastly different than others, for our Savior is known as The Word made flesh.
As a bivocational minister earning the majority of my income through other writing work and many different part-time jobs, I can tell you that words aren’t worth a lot. Words and writers are undervalued in the marketplace.
But encouraging words? They are remarkably undervalued.
Instead, our culture values hard-hitting, biting words. The Internet swarms to support meanness. Crowds applaud words that degrade and attack. The Internet loves to verbally “stone” its victims, and too often Christians participate or give support to those who do, “holding the coats” of those who attack and degrade others.
Our purpose at The Park Forum is to produce words that are filled with life, not death.
Words that spur, but do not abuse.
Words that challenge, but lovingly guide.
Words that bless and do not curse.
Words that may bring godly grief over brokenness, but produce joy and love in repentance.
Producing over 100,000 words of free content every year is no easy task. By far the largest investment into this ministry is the hours spent daily in biblical research, in study of other Christian writings, and at the keyboard writing the daily content.
When you donate to The Park Forum, you are investing in sharing God’s word, primarily. But you are also investing in words of life, words of encouragement, and words to build up our readers across the world in love.
Thank you so much to all of our donors!
You may join our donors through our website or via the good-old-fashioned mail! You can mail checks to:
The Park Forum
PO Box 185082
Fort Worth, TX 76181